Most people by now will be familiar with the term ‘carbon footprint’ and may even have calculated it themselves, but how many are familiar with their ‘water footprint’? It’s about time we all learned what it is, says Professor Arjen Y. Hoekstra, Professor in Multidisciplinary Water Management at the University of Twente in the Netherlands, as soon it will be influencing how we live our lives.
Hoekstra created the water footprint concept in 2002 when he was undertaking research on what is known as virtual water trade flows for the UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education.
Trading & Offsets
Carbon Offsetting Trends Survey 2008
From ” This survey is among the first to look at the ways that large, multinational corporations are addressing their carbon footprints from within, and what strategies they’re using to offset the emissions they can’t avoid. The study sampled 65 companies across industries about their attitudes towards offsets and what steps they’re taking to improve their environmental performance.